How to get in touch with me
By phone
Mind: To make an appointment, it's necessary to call me; I don't make any appointment by mail or SMS.
You can get in touch with me, during the week or at weekends, -generally from 06:00 through 23:00-, by calling the number: +32 (0) 484 557 987 (Base) or +32 (0) 475 409 418 (Proximus).
Please understand that sometimes I cannot answer your call immediately. If the case arises, please feel free to call me again a little bit later.
I appreciate you don't hide your number: we can only establish good relations if we trust each other. Don't worry, I never call people who haven't explicitly requested me to do so.
By mail
Alternatively, you can also contact me by e-mail:
I don't consider dealing with mails as a core activity of mine and therefore please understand that I only check my mailbox twice a day. Nonetheless, you'll get an answer to your mail within 18 hours; if this not the case -probably due to a technical issue-, don't hesitate to send me a reminder or just call me.
How about SMS?
SMS are acceptable for short communications but not for conversations.